MacAlasdair is very much caught up in promoting an understanding of the monarchy’s role in Canada. “Some people are really surprised and shake their heads at the whole idea of it,” he says, “but most people are curious.”

MacAlasdair’s comments about his group are echoed by his U of T colleague Aidan Slind, whose speech at a recent Monarchist League luncheon in Toronto was reprinted in the Canadian Monarchist News. “We are not ‘fans’ (of the monarchy) but believers in our country’s constitutional arrangements.”

Linda Diebel
Interviewing Young Monarchists for the Toronto Star

About the Young Monarchists

Young Monarchists undertake projects and activities both on their own and within existing Branches. Additionally, depending on leadership and interest on a given campus, they may organize a representative to coordinate fun and outreach in universities and colleges, which have over the years included Cape Breton University, Carleton University, the University of Toronto; McMaster University; Redeemer College; Wilfred Laurier University, Mount Royal University, and the University of Ottawa. Such  activities include hosting speakers, putting up YM posters on campus and – of course – lively discussions and strategy sessions at pubs in the campus area!!

To ask about linking up with some fellow YMs on your campus, inquire via

Meet the Young Monarchists